Introducing…The Down-jotter

cropped-2015-10-27-20.33.01.pngINTRODUCING…THE DOWN-JOTTER

So, here we are. Me, writing my first blog post, and you, hopefully, reading it. I’m sure we are both pondering the same questions right now—who is the Down-jotter and why would anyone want to read what he is posting? I have given these questions serious thought so I could tell you why, but I am easily distracted and, honestly, I can only answer the first question.

I am the Down-jotter That’s just a fancy way of saying I write. I have done so for several years, mostly for my own personal enjoyment or the enjoyment of my friends and family, but recently decided it was time to enter into the world of the published word. I chose the name “Down-jotter,” because that is the way I have written things over the years. Whenever a story idea, or a bit of dialogue, a description, or whatever else popped into my mind, I would grab a pencil and anything I could write on and jot it down.

For the most part, I plan on focusing on the 3 Rs of a writer—reading, writing (the w is silent,) and researching. Occasionally, something else my pop into my head to write about, and that’s fine.

As to why anyone would want to read any of this, I can only hope it is because it brings enjoyment. If you, the reader, or I, the writer, learn anything along the way, then that will be an added bonus. My only request is that if you comment, keep it clean and civil. I can handle constructive criticism, but I won’t tolerate attempted belittling.

If you will allow me one final question, I would like to ask you to not keep me a secret. If you like what you read, tell others about me. I would appreciate it ever so much.

Just thought I would jot this down.

5 thoughts on “Introducing…The Down-jotter

  1. Lee is a very talented, imaginative, creative, undiscovered writer. I’m his biggest fan.

  2. Good start. I look very forward to the future of your adventure in writing. I have all the faith in the world you can and will accomplish your dreams! Love you old friend!

  3. Looking forward to anything you write as I know it will be good! Love ya and hope all goes well for you and your family! xoxoxo! Prayers!

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